About Peel Crisis
Capacity Network

Our Mission

Through assessment and coordination of short-term and transitional support resources, and in collaboration with Network Partners, PCCN’s mission is to support children and adults who have a developmental disability and dual diagnosis in overcoming crisis.

To achieve our mission, we work from a resilient and holistic framework and a team orientation.

We look to our values to guide the work that we do. Our program’s values are:

  • Person-focused
  • Family-centred
  • Accessible and responsive
  • Equitable and cultural competency
  • Collaboration and partnering
  • Confidentiality and informed consent
  • Accountability

  • Continuous improvement
  • Sustainability

How can you make a referral?

Anyone with consent (self, family member, friend, or service provider) can make a referral to our services. Should you not have consent you are also welcome to contact the PCCN crisis line for general information/consultation.

The Peel Crisis Capacity Network can be accessed between the hours of 9:00am and 5:00pm during regular business days through our crisis line at 905-273-4900.

If you are calling outside of these hours please contact our After Hours Crisis Support . They can respond to your immediate crisis needs and will connect you with a PCCN Staff member as soon as possible:

Clients can contact 24.7 crisis support Peel at 905-278-9036 for support and a referral into the Network.


The Peel Crisis Capacity Network supports clients that:

  • Have a Developmental Diagnosis and/or Dual Diagnosis
  • 11 years of age and older
  • Reside in the Peel Region
  • Identify as being in crisis

What can you expect when you call the Network?

We are here to help. Once you contact the crisis line, you will be connected to a PCCN staff member who will ask you some questions to understand what you are concerned about and what supports you might need in your current situation. We will listen to what you have to say. Depending on your specific needs, he/she will then work with you, and if appropriate, any service providers with whom you are already working, to help resolve your immediate concerns, and/or suggest and help you connect with other community services that could be helpful to you.

Upon making a referral, if more intensive support is needed in stabilizing crisis, PCCN may come out to meet with you to complete an assessment to further determine appropriateness for our service and gather necessary information to provide supports.

PCCN will develop an individualized support plan and work with you to implement the plan alongside community service providers in order to secure admission to appropriate and available Network services.

What services does the Network provide?

The Networks services that are provided by a variety of organizations in the Peel region who have partnered together to create PCCN. Each organization provides a wide variety of services that you and/or your family may have access to in order to support your varying and ongoing needs.

In times of crisis for individuals who have a developmental disability and/or dual diagnosis, the Network Partners work alongside the PCCN Staff and provide essential, short-term and specialized services and resources to create an individualized support plan to stabilize crisis.

Our partner agencies provide many different types of specialized services and resources that can be a part of your support plan. We have partners in the following areas: Children’s Developmental Services, Adult Developmental Services, Children’s Mental Health Services, Adult Mental Health Services, Public Education, Health Care